Apply again the card on the sticker while pressing it in order to be sure that the decal is well stick and to put out of the sticker any air bubble. With the card apply progressively the rest of the sticker until it is totally stick. Firstly stick 2 or 3 centimeter of the bottom part of the transfer film. If it is not the case, repeat the previous step carefully.

Remove carefully the transfer film from white paper while being sure that the sticker stay on the transfer film. With it, make sure that the transfer film (transparent film) correctly adhered to the sticker and that there is not any air bubble. After having removed the sticker out from the blister pack, take a credit card. Put your laptop in the right position so that you will not be hindered during the laying. Before the laying, make sure that your Macbook, iPad, iPhone or any other surface is clean and dry. To ensure a safe shipment, our stickers are packed in padded envelope. Orders are processed under one or two business days and sent by La Poste. If you have any question, please contact me before ordering. You can of course, stick your sticker on every plane surface.

This will lead to a long resistance through time and it won't leave any mark on your Macbook when you will decide to remove it. Every sticker is made-to-order, with an high quality vinyl.